hi, my name is Pivot! you may also know me as PivotDeerPup. i'm a deer dog on the internet! i stream on Twitch and like to make lots of things, like music, art, and games. this is my central hub where you can find basically everything that I do. feel free to poke around and enjoy the site! <3

My experience at Anthrocon 2024, including a short film I created about the con, and a bunch of pretty photos.

Three new songs by yours truly. The YouTube videos have special animations included as well, give it a look!
Bandcamp YouTube

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BLOG // all past blog posts.


MUSIC RELEASES // my bigger released works.


VISUAL ART // a gallery of my visual art. a mixture of 2D drawings, paintings, and 3D works.


PHOTOS // a gallery of my photography!


GAME DEVELOPMENT // an archive of my various game dev journeys and prototypes made using a variety of engines, including Unity, Unreal Engine 4 & 5, and GameMaker.


RESOURCES & FUN STUFF // a collection of various things I decide to release into the public for others to use. take a look and see if there's anything you might like!